- (030) 269 07 24
- info@cheapcab.nl
- Available 24/7
Yes, you will receive your confirmation by email. However you can always feel free to give us a call to ask if the booking was successfully received.
The time you need to be present at Schiphol is usually advised by your airline. This is about 2 hours in advance for European flights and 3 hours in advance for Intercontinental flights.
Of course also the time from your home address to the airport needs to be added. Please also take into account possible traffic jams or other factors that could cause delays. Better to be safe than sorry.
This basically comes down to your own preference. You can choose to pay through the website using Ideal, but its also possible to pay later once you are in the taxi using pin, credit card or cash.
The rates shown are always for the whole taxi. So whether you are traveling with 1,2,3 or 4 passengers, the total amount remains the same.
After you have landed at Schiphol, it is advisable to turn on your cell phone as soon as possible, so you can be reached.
Then after picking up the luggage, please call 030 269 07 24. The taxi will be ready within 5 minutes at the main entrance. This is above the departure halls. Once outside you simply walk towards the furthest lane where all the taxi’s are lined up.
Bookings can be cancelled or modified up to 72 hours in advance.
CheapCab will check for any delays / updates about your flight using your flight number.
This means you do not have to take action if your flight is delayed.
Yes this is possible, please call to discuss the possibilities.